Saturday, April 5, 2014

Why Vemma?

 Why Vemma? I have been asked that several times by other professional marketers and I have a long list of reasons why Vemma.


 First reason why Vemma is the benefits of the product. Have you heard any of the testimonies from people who have used the Vemma formula, or any of their products?
 Second reason why Vemma is the enjoyment of consuming the products. I drink Vemma's hit energy drink Verve! all day. I also take the Verve! shots daily and it keeps me working my Vemma business without any desire to slow down and take a break.

 So if the products can bring great benefit to my health, and I love the products just as much. Here are a few things more to add to "Why Vemma".


 Third reason "Why Vemma". Let's look at being a business person, and looking into the Vemma opportunity. Vemma is a binary compensation plan so I get to enjoy more than just my own business, but so many others who came into the business before me. And everyone who came after me. Yes it adds up fast, because we can enroll for others, and give them our personal customers. We both will make the same other than a quick up front bonus. So it's easy to build a large organization in Vemma.

 Let's also look at the CEO and founder B.K. Boreyko. A man of honesty and integrity. He allows us to use internet systems to grow our businesses fast and profitable. Allows his affiliates to do many things with their businesses that many companies will not allow, putting less obstacles in your way.
 Why Vemma? If that is not enough reason alone, I have plenty more why I choose to use Vemma for consumption and building a business. B.K focuses on taste and convenience, making products much more well liked. If a product can not taste good, then it's no use to put out on the market, right?


 Let's also remember the income Vemma has for it's affiliates. I have never before been in a company, much less even seen a company that will pay it's members as much as Vemma. I hear other marketers talk about how their company pays more, but when I hear them tell me 10K and up to 20K a month for having thousands in their organization, it sounds more like a weekly check from Vemma. I don't mention it to them, I just act like I am shocked by their monthly pay.


 So if these reasons are not enough for "Why Vemma", I will say this much. I do love the look, style, and rapid growth of the company. I love the new products that keep hitting the market and are always a big seller. I love that so many young entrepreneurs have found Vemma, and some to be their retirement by age 21. I love having reality show host Chris Powell (ABC's Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition) lead our weight management and body transformation line of products (BOD-E)
I love the weekly checks, monthly bonuses, and quarterly bonuses. The products have changed people's lives in so many ways. This company has done so much for needy children, people's health, and people's wealth it is beyond what we can imagine.

So for this to be my first post for this blog "Success in Vemma" I wanted to at least get a few reasons out there of "Why Vemma" first.

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